As we are rapidly learning in our country, pandemics THRIVE on liberty, confusion, disinformation, and indecisive leadership at the very top. Add into the recipe huge segments of the population with chronic medical conditions, without health insurance, living from paycheck to paycheck, and losing all that through furlough or unemployment. Lastly, stir in political, economic, racial and ethnic divisions in the population that are a virtual tinderbox ready to ignite as frustrations, fear, ignorance, and insecurity rapidly mount.
Liberty is wonderful. None of us wants to be living in a totalitarian system like that which prevails in China. But are we so wary of our representative government that we resist the notion of being ordered what to do or what not to do? All freedom loving people of our country need to wake up to the reality that COVID-19 is on some level like an enemy invasion of our homeland! We had better start mobilizing and complying with government “recommendations“ or else fall victim to the truism that too much personal freedom in the face of an existential threat to our nation creates a real risk of losing the very freedoms we cherish. Our individualistic, heterogenous society must start acting as if we are united, all in this together. Think Taiwan and Korea, where freedom loving peoples readily put community welfare way ahead of their personal preferences, convenience and interests.
Watch carefully, friends. We cannot just print more money night and day to cover our losses. We need all hands on deck, more government compulsion and less requests for voluntary actions. We need an end to really poor models of proper individual conduct from our national leaders, starting with our President. Don’t refuse to do what you and our experts are saying we all should do. If six feet is the suggested social distancing standard, please stop standing side by side with others in your daily television updates. And wearing a mask cannot be that difficult a sacrifice! We need to fully engage the full resources of our incredibly dedicated and competent military forces, and bar amateurs from leadership roles on the battlefield.
I hate to even think of this, but could it be that this is being managed at the top with a view to creating enough chaos and divisions that it’s just not practical or possible to conduct elections this November? That’s a sure fire formula for an extension of minority rule in this country, and forget about health care reform, environmental protection, and protecting the poor and disadvantaged in our country. I pray it isn’t so, but how else can we explain or understand the growing litany of inexplicable and self defeating Presidential acts and omissions? Is it just STUPIDITY?
Please join me in praying for our President and our country. Ask God to save us from ourselves.