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  • Writer's pictureMatt Bristol

Numbering Our Days

This past week I received a call from my cousin Allen. I was in a mediation intake session at my office when he called, and when I was able to return the call, I learned that my cousin Barbara’s daughter Patty Cade had died in her sleep between last Saturday night and Sunday morning, now just one week ago.

As far as anyone knew, Patty was a healthy 58 year old wife and mother, very active in her church and local ministries in her San Antonio community. She was founder of a local non profit ministry addressing the needs of those living with Downs Syndrome. Like her mother and father, she was an avid runner. And now, suddenly and without warning, she was gone. No time for final goodbyes, just gone.

Both my wife Mary Lou and I were married to dear souls who were stricken by cancer, succumbing after several years of treatments and surgeries. But we were blessed with ample time to plan for the passing of our spouses, and the share in their final days on this earth. You could say we said our final goodbyes, even though we had both nodded off to sleep at the precise moment they passed. We don’t believe that was an accident. But some things we just don’t fully understand.

Psalm 90 records a prayer of Moses. In verse 12, he says: “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” (KJV). The New Living Translation reads: “Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.” The Bible tells us that only God knows the number of our days (Psalm 139:16) (Job 14:5). That number was ordained while we were still in the womb. Patty loved her Lord, and lived His teachings beautifully. She knew what the Bible had to say about how to live our lives, and that for all in Christ Jesus death is not really the end. Life for Patty and all who place their trust in Christ is truly eternal.

But these realities do not remove the sting and the unimaginable grief of suddenly losing a daughter, a mother, a wife, a sister, a niece, a dear cousin and sweet friend. I still recall, as if it were yesterday, how I lost my rudder after my sweet Betty went to be with Jesus nine years ago. I was surprised at how far off course I was thrown, for about a year. It was really hard. Only the love of family, friends and ministry partners, and a strong belief in God’s never ending presence, can help navigate the horrendous storms of grief and sadness.

My prayer is that the God of all comfort and mercy, who while on this earth experienced suffering and pain beyond what any human could imagine or endure, will shower Patty’s family and friends with abundant measures of his healing balm, and that they will rest in the assurance that Patty is now in the arms of Jesus, in a place of eternal peace, where she will reconnect with her awesome earthly father, her maternal grandparents and many other loved ones from years and generations past. And Patty, please say hello to sweet Betty for me.

Patty’s sudden promotion to glory also reminds me that each new day is a precious gift from the God who created me, a day that I, like Patty always demonstrated, need to use to bless others and to provide others just a glimpse of my Savior’s love and compassion. And then, before that day ends, give thanks. I am reminded of the bedtime prayer my parents taught me as a young boy. “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen”

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Jul 11, 2021

Beautifully written. Gives hope as an anchor firm and secure! Thank you for sharing this.

Matt Bristol
Matt Bristol
Jul 11, 2021
Replying to

Thank you, Diane. What I wrote was from the heart. Blessings to all our dear friends at Oceans! You are not forgotten❤️❤️. Matt and Mary Lou

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