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  • Writer's pictureMatt Bristol

Reflections on a Nation Divided

Here’s a question for all of us: do our elected representatives in the Congress have the political will and courage to unite in opposition to the Trumpian false narrative that last November’s presidential election was stolen from him and his followers, that our nation is somehow being controlled by a cabal of pedofiles (Q-ANON), and that violent white supremacist terrorists are good people with justifiable complaints warranting a perverted cocktail of threatening speech and military style assault weapons?

Does anyone see the irony of large numbers of Republicans in the Congress, having taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, tacitly or explicitly lend aid and support to the domestic terrorists who looted our Capitol with intent to obstruct certification of the election and, in the case of some, to find and “neutralize“ then Vice President Pence, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and other legislators perceived as enemy of their cause?

How about forty five Republican Senators, including two that clearly aided perpetuation of the false narrative that triggered the attacks of January 6th, casting their votes in favor of a motion declaring the Senate cannot lawfully convict Trump now that he is no longer in office? When this is not really a bona fide issue. Numerous federal officials have been impeached and then convicted after leaving office.

How about Senators whose actions and words contributed to the attacks being sworn in as jurors to decide whether to convict their co-conspirator? Shouldn’t they be challenged for cause? The Fourteenth Amendment provides a legal avenue for disqualifying Senators Cruz and Hawley, and all members of either house of Congress who gave any support to the rioters from continued service in any official capacity to our federal government.

Unity is truly a wonderful goal, but impossible to achieve as long as we have members of Congress who refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of our election and promote false narratives that risk further violence. Congress must clean its own house, and soon.

Why is the Republican minority leader in the House flying to Florida today to confer with the disgraced former President? I doubt this is to promote unity. The battle over the election may be over, but the battle for the soul of our nation still rages. It is time for leaders in the Congress to grab the controls and lead. It is high time for real accountability.

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