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  • Writer's pictureMatt Bristol

The Greatest Thing in the World

I once attended a conference where one of the speakers touted Frank Sinatra as a great theologian. He got my attention right away. How could he say that? I quickly recalled his rendition of the song “My Way,” where the lyrics express pride that he was not acting “like one who kneels.” The speaker went on to say the theological truth from Sinatra was his “dobedobedo.” Years ago, I was a student disc jockey at college and played all of Frank’s vocal stylings. Yes, I heard lots of “dobedobedos.”

The theological truth is simply that we need to develop a natural rhythm in our lives on this earth, of being what we are, and doing what we are. Otherwise stated, having a faith or credo is wonderful, but is fairly useless unless one actually lives according to the tenets of that faith.

As the Book of James in the New Testament says, “Faith without works is dead.”

When an expert in the law asked Jesus Christ what was the greatest commandment, Jesus readily answered by quoting from the Old Testament: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”” Matthew 22:37-40 NIV.

Did you get that? The foundational requirement of the Holy Scriptures is loving God with all your heart, soul and mind (vertical love) COMBINED WITH loving your neighbor as you love yourself (horizontal love). If we have and live that love, keeping the Ten Commandments happens organically and automatically. Obeying God also happens in a beautiful, freeing way. Not a burden but a joy.

Our selfish, flawed nature is fully capable of self love. But to love others as we love ourselves, that is only possible on a consistent basis if we draw on God’s power. That sounds “preachy,” I understand. But over 76 years and many failures, I have learned that when one fully surrenders one’s will to God, it pleases God, for His glory, to empower him or her to do things that would otherwise be impossible. The power and love gained through the vertical relationship with God enables one to love others, even those who hate us, to the same extent as we love ourselves.

I am desperately asking God to empower me to love my Christian brothers and sisters who continue to support the most dangerous, immoral and degenerate president we have ever had in our nation’s history. As previous posts have observed, there is an apparent Faustian bargain in play. Certain church leaders and other self proclaimed Christian leaders give 100% support to this president and overlook his manifest efforts to spread racial and ethnic hatred among our people, deny basic justice to those least able to help themselves, stimulate fear and hatred of immigrants and refugees, weaken our national security, destroy our reputation in the free world, and undermine the very pillars of our democracy...all in exchange for giving church leaders their complete governmental “wish list.”

This “wish list” includes appointing enough conservative justices to the Supreme Court to overrule Roe v. Wade (thus outlawing all abortions, regardless of the circumstances), to overturn the Johnson amendment that prohibited pastors from turning their pulpits into political platforms, to allow businesses to exclude birth control from employer provided health insurance based on religious convictions of the owners against birth control, to roll back legal protections for homosexuals, and to continue to marginalize African Americans by suppressing their votes and helping white Americans retain power and control notwithstanding changing demographics that will inexorably lead to the levers of control being secured through the ballot box by a diverse coalition of whites, African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and Native Americans.

I take no joy in the obvious reality that “Make America great again” means roll back the clock to the 1950’s when minorities and marginalized peoples in our country had no power and many barriers to any semblance of progress. Those peoples include my many Jewish friends. It also includes many patriotic, loyal Muslims that have proudly secured American citizenship. Power of the captains of industry and wealthiest Americans is maintained by fomenting conflict, fear and hatred among and between those on the middle and lower rungs on the economic and social ladder.

News flash! When Jesus taught His followers to love their neighbors as themselves, He did not mean those who live in our neighborhood. No, He meant that those who profess to love and follow Him must love all those who cross our paths as we go through our daily lives. Not just our family and friends. Not just fellow citizens. Not just people of our own racial or ethnic group. Even those who hate us. And we can only do that in His power. That’s the key.

“What does the Lord require of you,” the Old Testament Prophet Micah asked. The answer: “Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.” So justice for the oppressed is a major concern of God. I get it. I fully understand that Jesus did not enter this world to change the culture. He came to introduce the Kingdom of God, to provide a pathway for sinful humans (that’s all of us) to be reconciled to the God who created them and the world they live in.

But American culture violently collides with the teachings of Jesus. Accept the gift of salvation by faith alone, but then pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, be independent, never give up control, exercise your rights without any need for responsibility, and make as much money as you can...keeping others from wresting it from you. In other words, resist surrendering control of your lives to Jesus. The very idea seems irresponsible in our culture.

Back to Frank. What we DO or DON’T DO is very important to God. We need that special rhythm of both BEING and DOING. And if you view and announce yourself to others as Christian, go and review 1 Corinthians 13. It echos Christ’s teaching that the most important thing for His followers is LOVE. Strong faith is wonderful, but not as great as love. Why? Because true faith leads to God centered and God powered love. If you still are not sure, read theologian Henry Drummond’s timeless little book, “The Greatest Thing in the World,” first published in the nineteenth century in England, and available in paperback, with a foreword by Dwight L Moody on Amazon for $4.99.

If you want to have a heart overflowing with that kind of love, you have to humbly ask God to change your heart. Your own free will cannot do it. If you truly want it, stop calling yourself Christian. That term was never used by Jesus. It was coined by the Romans and other fierce critics of the first century as a derisive term for those “little Christs.” Call yourself what you are, “followers of Jesus.” And then start spreading God’s amazing love. When you engage in communications with others, whether orally or in writing, whether in person or by social media, speak with Godly humility and love. Judge not, lest you be judged. Only God knows the true disposition of your heart.

My sweet wife asked me to read the Drummond little book aloud to her before we went to bed last night. She has kept a copy of an early pocket size edition for over half a century. She has a heart full of compassion, and daily demonstrates that selfless, God centered love that God seeks from all people. She is truly God’s special gift to me. As I read it aloud, tears came to my eyes, as I more fully appreciated my own selfish, proud nature. My daily prayer is to love more fully and completely, God’s way. Thanks for listening.

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03 ago 2020

I love you dad and you are right, the greatest commandment is love. I love that we live in a country in which I can lovingly disagree with your politics and still fully and completely love you.

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